Research Immersion to inform C2C Courier Service Innovation 

The client wants to increase their market share in the C2C courier service, aligned with the rising trend of e-commerce and SMEs. They see Customer Experience (CX) as a key component in this. We were engaged to help them to understand the customers’ needs and expectations towards the service, identify gaps and problems both from the customer-facing and internally within the organization, identify opportunity areas for improvements and innovations, and prototype the prioritized idea in the field.c ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis

The Impact

Through a comprehensive service immersion and mapping out the gaps and opportunity areas, we developed a roadmap for CX initiatives that encompass both customer-facing as well as internal organizational improvements. As a quick-win strategy, we redefined the “Pickup delivery service” experience, through immersive prototyping and testing. Additionally, the newly formed team who shadowed our team during the process has developed the skills and confidence to integrate human-centered design mindsets and facilitate collaboration with cross-functional teams.

Our Approach

To identify gaps and opportunity areas along the end-to-end customer journey, for both frontstage and backstage interactions within a short timeline, we involved different internal stakeholders/actors in collaborative workshops. This initial service blueprint was then further enriched with immersions, observations, and interviews with customers and internal employees. From the insights and systems mapping, we identified several leverage points for quick wins and a roadmap for future CX initiatives. We involved key actors in prototyping the quick win service ideas in the field, which allowed us to be grounded in the operational constraints. Throughout the project, key members of the newly formed CX team were actively involved, to empower them to continue the process even after the completion of our team’s engagement.

Immersion at the frontstage counter
Immersion at the backstage sorting center
Immersion and interviews with customer 

Our Journey and Process

Cross-functional Workshop and Immersive Observation

Before speaking with the customers, we conducted innovation workshops with multiple internal teams to understand the overall process from both the customer journey and internal processes, including the challenges encountered and potential leverage points for intervention. Then, we did immersive observations to get a better context of the daily activities of key actors along the process. Starting from observing the counter, the sorting process, until the delivery process by the courier.

In-depth interviews (IDI) and Focus Group Discussions (FGD)

At this stage, we had interviews with the target customers to dig deeper into their motivations, challenges, and behaviors toward courier services (e.g. expectations, preferences, evaluation criteria, pain points, perceptions). We also did focus group discussions with courier service agents to understand their perspectives, motivations, expectations, and challenges that hinder them from delivering great customer experience.

Ideation workshop with internal stakeholders

After getting all the insights and a better understanding of the customers and the internal dynamics, we conducted an ideation workshop to brainstorm and prioritize ideas to further prototype as quick-win solutions.

Service Prototyping

In collaboration with the client’s internal team, we redesigned the “Pickup delivery service” experience, covering an alternative service flow, customer touchpoints, physical touchpoints, roles and service delivery team structure, enhancement in digital tools, payment solutions, and script for front-stage interactions. Together with the frontstage (customer-facing) and backstage team, we tested out a service prototype with real customers, where we obtained direct feedback for quick iterations and improvements.

Service ideation and prototyping
Co-creation for service prototyping
Service prototyping in the field

The Results

We mapped out ‘as-is service blueprint’ and ‘to-be service blueprint’ rooted in insights from the customers and internal teams. We derived a roadmap for CX initiatives to target different gaps and opportunity areas to improve the overall customer experience. For one of the initiatives, we prototyped and tested a quick-win solution that has high leverage points to improve the customer experience and potential business revenue. With the transfer of knowledge throughout the project, the newly formed CX team was able to implement the approach in another project on their own.

Consultant in-charge


Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Oversee

Bhagaskara Setiawan

User Researcher


Daniel Fandra

Research Ops

Frans Mateus Situmorang

Project Lead

Catharina Krisanti

User Researcher

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Seeing the visitor interest through the collection they captured in their camera roll

Museum Nasional is a prominent Indonesian museum, housing a diverse collection of artifacts that showcase Indonesia’s history and heritage. As a renowned institution, stakeholders have initiated a significant transformation to enhance museum management and visitor experiences. This transformation has prompted us to relook at long-standing issues and challenges. Due to ongoing strategic developments, the project’s focus has shifted from evaluation to an in-depth exploration of visitor experiences, seeking to uncover their inspirations and potential opportunities more than just their satisfaction aspect.

The Impact

The museum now has dedicated guidelines that can serve as the cornerstone for crafting museum exhibitions as consideration from visitors’ point of view. The guideline consists of the way the museum should determine the central message, consideration in selecting the collections, and the way the collections are presented. They have become the first measure of success and can be adopted in other Indonesian museums under the Indonesian Heritage Agency in the future.

Our Approach

We begin with in-depth exploratory research, where we delve into the experiences and motivations of institutional employees, visitors, and even non-visitors. We extract valuable insights from these stories to develop frameworks that guide the creation of exhibition storylines, visitor flow, and visitors’ expectations.

In the second phase, we refine and iterate on the framework for the exhibition storyline. We also produce physical prototypes that are tested with visitors. Using these findings, we evaluate and enhance the guidelines, making them more detailed and practical.

These two phases allow us to create a comprehensive and visitor-centric approach to museum exhibitions, ensuring that our guidelines are highly effective in enhancing the overall visitor experience.

Shadowing visitors
Observing visitor’s interaction with the collections
Using stimuli to gather visitors feedback about their experience

Our Journey and Process

Looking In

Before engaging with visitors, we first delved into the broader museum landscape, benchmarking against historical museums in Indonesia and abroad. We initiated meaningful conversations with stakeholders and internal staff members, many of whom have direct or indirect ties to our visitors. Through these interactions, we uncovered their pain points and aspirations, paving the way for a more comprehensive understanding of Museum Nasional’s ecosystem.

Looking Out

We engaged in observations and then did intercept interviews with the museum’s current visitors. We also did in-depth interviews with the non-visitors, particularly those inclined towards other museums but not Museum Nasional, to gain fresh perspectives and draw inspiration from their narratives. These invaluable insights are transformed into a comprehensive framework that covers what visitors seek, their underlying motivations, and distinctive characteristics.

Co-ideation with Stakeholders

One of the most impactful processes is to rejoin stakeholders and internal staff, inviting them to explore the visitor’s framework. Collaboratively, we identify specific aspects for prototyping and engage in dynamic discussions to refine the emerging ideas. The conversation with the stakeholders shaped our initial guidelines and the focus area to prototype in the next phase.

Prototyping and Testing

The selected concept was transformed into tangible prototypes and showcased within the exhibition spaces for a limited duration. These prototypes served an informative purpose and actively involved visitors, encouraging their active participation in the museum experience. We have gained a lot of feedback from visitors who directly interact with the prototypes.

Visitor Experience Guideline

Drawing upon the valuable feedback from visitors and the wealth of insights accumulated throughout the project’s various phases, we revisited and refined our crafted visitor experience framework. This framework then transformed into actionable guidelines that foster collaboration across diverse divisions, including curators, educators, branding, front liners, and business management.

Visitor behavioral types found in Museum Nasional
Prototype testing with participatory approach
The detail of participatory collection prototype
Example of the visitor guideline framework produced to help the internal team in crafting the exhibition

The Results

We uncovered different ways visitors interact with the collections and what factors influence their interaction. These were used to create the draft guidelines before it was prototyped in a temporary exhibition. The results have covered several actionable guidelines with opportunities for cross-collaboration within the museum’s division. It ignites many positive discussions for future improvement that lead to the need for transforming performance evaluation within the old systems.

Consultant in-charge


Bhagaskara Setiawan

Project Oversee

Daniel Fandra

User Researcher

Frans Mateus Situmorang

Project Lead

Catharina Krisanti

Interaction Designer

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The project aims to identify key challenges and opportunities in the onboarding process and produce actionable and localized insights that directly benefit digital financial inclusion activities. Unbanked and underbanked included here are farmers, informal workers, micro-entrepreneurs, and economically inactive (Students & Wife). The project also focuses on more rural areas where the conventional banking infrastructure is typically lower. The research is done in parallel in 4 different countries which has big number of unbanked underbanked population: Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Uganda.

The Impact

We shared the research results in different dissemination forms with different relevant stakeholders, such as 1-on-1 sharing sessions with partnered key players, conference talks, and sharing series such as:

  • 1-on-1 sharing session with more than 7 different service providers and relevant stakeholders
  • Speaker in UXA Masterclass Conference 2023 in Spain (120+ attendees)
  • Speaker in Somia Conference 2023: System Thinking in Design (120+ attendees)
  • Visionary Talk and Exhibition Booth in Indonesia Fintech Summit 2023 (3000+ visitors)

Our Approach

The research is conducted in 3 provinces: North Sumatra, East Java and South Sulawesi, as representative of the west, central and east region of Indonesia to best represent the geographical context. This locations are selected as they have barriers in limited banking infrastructure, low economy and financial literacy but have good internet penetration and digital availability as the basic requirements of the adoption. 

The thick research uses an ethnographic approach to discover and document the onboarding journey of different segments in different services (agri-tech, mobile & digital banking, digital wallet, digital lending, QRIS, and government aid – PKH & Prakerja).


As support systems and infrastructure are crucial in digital financial services adoption, we started by understanding the context and mapping the ecosystem. This includes observing the infrastructure in the system, their roles, the communication used, etc. From our initial landscape mapping, we identified several key stakeholders and gathered data through transect walk, shadowing, and in-depth interviews with key government and service providers stakeholders.


Understanding the products / services used and deep dive into the target group context, literacy and behaviors towards DFS as well as the detailed onboarding process. In this phase, we also dug deeper into findings from the ecosystem mapping and stakeholder & provider discovery. The data was collected from various methods such as intercepts, Focus Group Discussions, shadowing, fly on the wall to In-depth interviews.

Interviewing respondents in their farming land
Using stimuli to get honest reaction during the session
Talking to the local government to get the different point of view

Our Journey and Process

Phase 1 Project Visioning & Landscaping

This phase started with detailing the project plan, teams visioning on outputs, outcomes, and methodology. Then, followed with developing partnership strategy and outreach with financial service providers, sampling strategy and framework, design of research tools, IRB approvals submission, and market recce.

Phase 2 Discovery

The phase is divided into 3 rounds of discoveries (field research). In each round, we did the analysis, synthesis, internal learnings workshop, country-wise socialization, feedback and iteration of the research approach.

Phase 3 Compiling Outputs and Dissemination

In the end phase of the project, we did analysis and sense making across all the three rounds of the discovery by country followed with compiling the global cross-country learnings. In parallel, we did country wise dissemination and is closed by global dissemination with relevant stakeholders.

Illustration showing the challenges the unbanked and underbanked encounter when doing onboarding process
Delivering insight in the form of financial newspaper and distributing it at Indonesia Fintech Summit and Expo 2023
Sharing the insight in the Inspiration Stage at Indonesia Fintech Summit and Expo 2023

The Results

The insights that we gathered from the research are extracted in different formats, from journey mapping, illustration, and short videos. The key challenges are identified and mapped in each stage of the journey from pre-during-post onboarding, including awareness, perception, consideration, decision-making, and application to usage. 

The understanding of problem spaces in each stage is also equipped with the opportunities collected from good practices observed in the field and design principles as inspiration and to bridge the implementation.

Consultant in-charge

Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Oversee


Bhagaskara Setiawan

Partnership Lead


Daniel Fandra

Project Lead


Frans Mateus Situmorang

User Researcher


Catharina Krisanti

Research Ops

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One of content creators showing the application he used for recording his content

How are podcasts made around the world?  A podcast streaming platform engaged Reach Network to research to understand and find opportunities in the podcast creation process and monetization in 6 countries (US, UK, Japan, India, Brazil, Indonesia), where Somia researched and documented the study in Indonesia and helped to facilitate in the global synthesis process. This is the first time the platform has initiated an exploratory approach for their product in this topic.

The Impact

We learned that content creation is only a fraction of what podcasters need to do, but they also need to take care of monetization, promotion and other mundane tasks that hold them back from growing into big podcasters. Therefore, we need to expand the opportunities not only on the creation process but also other content creator supporting tasks as well. Together with other country partners we mapped several big themes opportunity direction for the client to develop further, based on the struggles and untapped needs we heard from the content creators

Our Approach

To make sure we get the most from the initiative, the project project was broken up into 2 phases. The first one is desk research followed up with remote interviews with the content creators. This is to get an initial understanding and know which topics we should dig deeper into in the second phase with the ethnographic approach, visiting and observing directly in the content creator environment.

To be able to capture the richness and complexity of the topic being covered, we used a filmmaking approach when the content creators explained and shared their practices. Film clips are aimed to get the client a deep understanding of the content creators’ environment, creation process, and the way they interact with their audiences.

Our Journey and Process

First Phase: Remote Interviews

Before we did any of the interviews we carried out a desk research to get an initial understanding of the podcasting industry in Indonesia. It helps us to sharpen the research questions and prevents us from asking surface-level questions to the content creators. We then did the interviews with a variety of content creators: different types of content, formats, lengths of content, and number of audiences. This was to make sure we captured the plausible needs and challenges across the creators. We extracted key needs and challenges that the platform could focus on to be discussed in the global workshop.

Global Workshop

In the global workshop, team from each country shared key insights to show what’s happening in their market. After rounds of clarification, the workshop then moved to see what is the similarities and differences across different markets. From the shared insights, the client then gave their view on which ones they were interested in more and could have a bigger impact on their product. These were used to determine the focus for the second phase, making sure the ethnographic approach was to dig details of the relevant topics.

Second Phase: Ethnographic Approach

We visited the content creators in their environment making the content. We would like to capture in detail the way they plan, create, edit, and promote their content based on the topic we had from the global workshop, using a design documentary approach. We were using two cameras that planned to shot different objects (e.g content creators’ face, environment, tools being used, etc) so later we could superimpose when we created the insight clips. In order for us to plan the shot better, we were giving our content creators a pre-task: they needed to create videos they explaining their podcast their environment where they record and edit the content.

Global Analysis

All the detailed evidence from different countries is then aligned together using predefined frameworks. Together with the client, we then generated opportunity areas for them to develop in the future.

The place where one of the content creators invite their source and record their content

The Results

All the insights, quotes, film clips, and opportunity areas where the client should tap into were then stitched together in an interactive medium, which the client could always revisit to develop future strategies and features, or as an inspiration for different divisions such as marketing and communication.

Consultant in-charge


Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Oversee


Bhagaskara Setiawan

Project Lead

Frans Mateus Situmorang

User Researcher


Catharina Krisanti

Research Ops

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Our design approach for Kemdikbudristek website transformations

The transformations of the education system conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Education (Kemdikbudristek) prioritize fast and accessible information dissemination. In response, the ministry wants us to help them adjust their main website portal so that it can be easily accessed by any stakeholder under their service.

The Impact

With the new directions, we treated the website as the main lobby. Providing its users with essential information and then guiding them to other detailed sources provided by the main department under Kemdikbudristek. The result is an information architecture with a concise and modular information structure that is still adaptable to accommodate future changes.

Our Approach

First, we need to gain buy-in from all involved stakeholders, including the main departments of the ministry. We began the project by understanding the main agendas of each department, the way they disseminate information, and the current information provided on the main website. Since the main goal is to make the website accessible to its users, we also conducted several FGDs (focus group discussions) to validate our findings and explore the needs and behavior of users seeking education-related information.

It is not easy to fulfill the needs of every stakeholder, especially with tight deadlines. Therefore, we decided to design around 20% of the information that is important for the remaining 80% of users while still providing room for future growth and development.

Our Journey and Process

Internal Context Gathering

We conducted this activity through an internal workshop with the 9 main departments of Kemdikbudristek. In addition, we gathered context by inventorying the information presented on the website to determine the type of content and the responsible department.

External Context Gathering

We spoke with our users through two FGD (focus group discussion) sessions. The first session used an exploratory approach to gather user preferences while seeking information and determine what information is essential to them. The second session used a generative approach to gather more ideas for our interaction patterns and information architecture concept.

Information Architecture Design

During the FGD sessions, we identified the design directions we will follow throughout the project. We will design our information architecture with the mindset of a lobby since each main department has established its information channel. We will provide essential information on our website and easily guide users to the correct places.

Wireframing Process

As our users can access the Kemdikbudristek website from various sources, consistency and familiarity were important considerations when designing website interactions. To achieve this, we deliberately limited the number of interaction patterns and created a specific grid system so that users could easily understand where certain functions would be located. Additionally, we avoided using pop-up based interactions as they can harm the analytics performance.

Design Handover

We understand that no matter how well we design the website, it still needs to be supported by good-quality content. From the choice of images to the content tagging, these will affect our users’ experience while looking for information. To address this, we provided our clients with documentation in the form of a project brief, which serves as a guide for them while managing their content.

Information Architecture and Wireframe as our deliverables

The Results

We redesigned the website’s information architecture and managed to simplify its current content. The new design is concise and modular, fits with user behavior, and is flexible to any future changes. Here are some interesting findings about our users that influenced the decisions we made.

  • Our users perceive the website as a valid source of information, but they do not use it as their main source. Instead of seeking information through websites, they rely on social media or internal channels such as WhatsApp groups. When there is a need for fact-checking, the website becomes their top choice.
  • Users’ preferences in grouping existing information depend on their intensity and intent while accessing it. For example, users who need to access a specific service prefer a more personalized structure so they can easily position themselves.

Consultant in-charge


Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Oversee

Bhagaskara Setiawan

Interaction Designer

Daniel Fandra

Research Ops


Frans Mateus Situmorang

Project Lead

Catharina Krisanti

User Researcher

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Client SomiaCX
Project Duration 10th year Anniversary
Project Location Indonesia

Since 2012, we’ve been working on a variety of interesting projects, many are related to the micro-segment, finances and how they use technology in Indonesia. It is a promising segment with massive growth potential in terms of financial and tech adoption. Additionally, we discovered that current approaches to attract the interest of the micro-segment are not fully optimized yet.

The Impact

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we would like to share our learnings and experiences regarding this segment. We have written them into this book, hoping that the information we provide can inspire readers to develop more effective strategies to introduce finance and tech adoption to the micro segment. If you want to know more about this publications or to collaborate with us, feel free to contact us. Enjoy!

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Sarinah Mobile App Design
Client Sarinah
Project Duration 3 months
Project Location Indonesia

Sarinah is the first historical retail store in Indonesia and used to be an icon for older generations. To stay relevant in the present, Sarinah did a total transformation from its building to branding to attract more customers, especially the younger generation. One of the strategies is to develop mobile apps as part of digital brand activation and transform customer experience into a loyalty program.

The Impact

As part of the brand activation channel, Sarinah app needs to have strong branding and visual design representation. Combining a modernized ‘Ambatik’ icon, we managed to present the Sarinah app in a unique way that caters to its new brand direction without leaving the noble values of Indonesia. The new Sarinah App has led to the first phase of integrated Loyalty Program, promoting Indonesian SMEs as part of their mission.   

Our Approach

The goal is to find balance and harmony in different visual preferences according to multiple generations. Most of our explorations have involved an editorial design approach without forgetting the UIUX rules. We’re responding to these challenges by conducting several Usability Testing with 3 different target groups (Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z) to understand all their aspirations, then conversing with our key stakeholders to understand the business directions and company visions. 

We also come upon the new branding, architectural, and interior elements to understand the new Sarinah transformation. Connecting and re-learning the importance of Sarinah from the experts has helped us to create a digital experience that feels cohesive with prideful Indonesian elements.

First visual direction of premium and preserve looks
Second visual direction of bold, pride, and rebellious
Information Architecture, Wireframing, and Usability Testing with respondents

Our Journey and Process

Visual Direction Exploration

We start exploring two distinct and extreme visual directions, mainly focusing on how editorial design looks to get premium and modern feelings. Visualize Sarinah as a feminine and elegant figure based on its background story or embrace its new and hype culture.  

Stimuli Creation

We connected those explorations to a group of both suitable and opposite keywords in the form of emotional cards. We also prepared the complete wire-flow design of the app features based on scenarios.

User Testing

The aim is to align different preferences and aspirations between 3 generations towards current vs new Sarinah. Within our stimuli, we have managed to get early feedback, validate our assumptions, and clearly understand the gaps between its vision and users desire.

Design Assets

From both customers’ and stakeholders’ insights, we adjusted the two distinct visual directions to represent Sarinah’s branding keywords. We came up with new iconography and “Ambatik” illustrations for modern ethnic representation of Indonesia that also resonates with its culture and story of Sarinah.

Design Handover

Not to forget, while we design the app, we ensure every component follows the atomic design principle. The intention is to have reusable components, to be easily implemented and expanded into other digital channels and their next business phases.

Sarinah Gift Voucher
Discover Sarinah Thamrin
Design elements and the philosophy
Design Assets and Design System

The Results

We built modular and strong uniformity of Sarinah App visual elements to other mediums such as digital and physical gift voucher design. Our final visual directions came with an adventurous and rebellious feeling that resonates with the youngsters while maintaining the preserve, premium, and elegant looks to stay connected with the older generations. 

Consultant in-charge


Bhagaskara Setiawan

Project Oversee


Daniel Fandra

Interaction Designer

Frans Mateus Situmorang

Project Lead


Catharina Krisanti

Interaction Designer

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Photo of the respondent shows her make-up routines.
Client Beauty Retailer
Project Duration 7 Weeks
Project Location Indonesia

Building a cohesive brand experience as omni-channel retail from a traditional way is a complex and critical journey nowadays. One of the big retail companies in beauty and cosmetics approached Somia, to design the future Customer Experience (CX) vision that seamlessly integrates the client’s overall ecosystem.

The Impact

After having a chat with the whole stakeholders; from C level, manager, to front liners, we helped to flash-out the current state and the front liners were happy since their voice can be heard too. We created behavioral types of customers for the client to visualize the shifting performances and gaps.The customer archetypes become the blueprint for client’s internal ideation. This project has brought inspiration to the stakeholders on the importance of customer experience.

Our Approach

The main objective was to design the future customer experience (CX) vision that seamlessly integrates the client’s overall ecosystem. Our key initial challenges were to find out what motivates customers, their current relationship with the brand, and their shopping habits beyond their needs. We have also immersed ourselves in investigating the stakeholders, front liners, and high-level management in the form of service safari and workshops to align the vision together.

Getting to know customers’ beauty references
Artifacts of respondent’s beauty products
Service Safari visiting the store

Our Journey and Process

Business Discovery

This step will help to build a solid knowledge basis about the key initiatives, scan the industry to see how competitors do, and also set up a communication strategy between client and us.

Internal Evaluation

For these occasions we did mystery shopping on three client’s channels, to help us to get an honest and real experience of each channel. We also dug deeper about what happens through several FGD sessions with front liners, then communicated the findings with service blueprint workshops.

Customer Research

We did research on our client’s customers as well as the competitors, like their experience using the products and also the problems that they faced.

Insight Synthesis

Using the data that has been collected before, we analyze it to derive insights about their customer needs, expectations, and pain points, alongside with clients core teams. Then we updated the service blueprint and came up with a draft for CX vision and key concepts.

CX Vision

Together with clients higher management we align the proposed CX vision and key concept to the organization’s high level strategy.

The service blueprint and archetypes
In-depth interview with customer
Respondent’s morning beauty routines

The Results

Based on the customer research, we have created archetypes that are represented customers’ shopping habits toward beauty products. In the roadmap towards omni-channel retail, we applied a customer-centric approach to map out the consistency of all retail channels, online and offline touch points. These omni-channel touch points were customized accordingly with each customer archetype based on their needs and pain points across the journey. As a result, we could map the phases of customer behavior from having basic into advanced beauty knowledge and lapsing into loyalty towards the beauty products. The principle of the future CX vision was collected from the overlapping points of customer needs, pain points, and opportunities. In the end, these detailed solutions correlate with each customer archetype in the form of implementation and a prioritized plan each year.

Consultant in-charge


Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Oversee


Bhagaskara Setiawan

User Researcher


Frans Mateus Situmorang

Project Lead


Catharina Krisanti

Research Ops

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Pinang Ceria Mobile App Design
Client Bank / Financial Service
Project Duration 8 weeks
Project Location Indonesia

Helping one of the biggest state banks create the first-ever bank-owned digital lending product for two distinctive markets: micro and consumer segment. The micro segment would be focused on unsecured loan products while the consumer one would be credit limit.

The Impact

Both products have been launched with great traction. Micro segment lending application launched in February 2019 and has gained a lot of attention and business impact. From February until December 2019, it has 80% growth month on month, even 241% in July 2019. It also got IT Works Awards for Top Implementation 2019 on Bank Sector, Top Digital 2018 on Lending Apps. Consumer credit limit application launched in December 2019 and has attracted more than 3000 users and got 7000 transactions until March 2020.

Our Approach

To create a banking product in Indonesia we not only need to cater to the customers needs and business objectives but also need to make sure that we comply with the regulation set by Bank Indonesia (BI) & Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Therefore from the start we worked closely with all the related parties within the client: business, IT, and the compliance departments. Together we did user research to understand the customers loan related behaviors and also came up with product strategy before creating the detailed interaction design of the products.

FGD Consumer Session
Most participants were unable to continue the task when they faced input controls in the application process
Workshop Session
Micro segment product visual direction

Our Journey and Process

Product Induction & Workshop

We downloaded all the information from the team (prior research, product draft, business objectives, success metrics, even draft calculation formula created by the product team) and also clarified questions we received from studying the documents sent to us. We did this and all other activities twice, since each segment will have one dedicated product.


In the workshop, we mapped the hypothetical value proposition of the products. These gain creators, pain relievers, and product & services would not only be used for initial concepts but also for creating branding drafts for the products, since it would be a totally new product and had no ties to any other clients’ product in the past.

User Research & Synthesis

We dug around potential customers’ existing loan journeys with In-Depth-Interview & Focus Group Discussion, whether there were pain points or unmet needs then gathered their feedback for the initial concepts we created. Data we gathered from all the sessions, then we synthesized to shape product strategy, features and communication plan (branding and visual direction included).

UI/UX Design: Low Fidelity & Usability Testing

Product features that came out from the synthesis activity then furtherly developed into low fidelity prototype in the form of clickable wireframes. Wireframe form allows us to focus first on structure, interaction pattern, and usability of the product and quickly test it with potential customers and iterate it before then applying appropriate visual direction to the product.

UI/UX Design: UI Design

We developed UI Design to match visual preferences of each segment. For the micro product we applied a vibrant color tone that is usually found in their surroundings with high affordance interaction elements to accommodate their low digital savviness. For the consumer product we went with a modern & clean look with flat design while still maintaining the affordance of the elements.

The Results

Lending applications are developed not only based on business objectives but incorporating customers behaviors. The results are applications that have specific features that answers customers needs while also still comply with the regulation, such as:

  • We realized that for most people in the micro segment, smartphones were their first computer, and they were only accustomed to applications they use daily: WhatsApp & Facebook. Input control such as radio buttons and switch control are unknown to them. Learning from these findings, we changed our interaction to make sure only to use ones they already knew in those applications.

  • Since they usually have limited amounts of income, the micro segment tends to calculate whether they could afford the loan before applying for it. They do this not by seeing the interest rate, but by comparing the installment they need to pay monthly with their income. To accommodate this insight together with the client we provide backward calculation where customers can apply for a loan based on their maximum monthly repayment capacity instead of the amount.

  • People in the consumer segment who have credit cards have difficulty tracking their credit limit usage since they can only see the details at the end of the credit cycle. The product provides real time tracking on the credit limit they have used so they have better control of it.

Awards & Recognitions

We are very honored and humbled that our solution has been nominated in IT Works Awards

What Our Client Said

Roy Salat

I had a great experience working with Somia. The team was highly dedicated to the project. They gave inspiring solutions from many point-of-views, and the output they produced were amazing. Thanks to Somia Team, keep rocking!!

Roy Salat
Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Digital Micro Proposition Manager

Consultant in-charge


Ketut Sulistyawati

Interaction Designer

Bhagaskara Setiawan

User Researcher

Frans Mateus Situmorang

Interaction Designer

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Photo of Warung owner being interviewed
Client E-Commerce
Project Duration 2 months
Project Location Jambi, Manado, Yogyakarta

We engaged with a new startup to enter the e-commerce market targeting rural areas in Indonesia. Since it was still at the beginning of the development, our biggest challenge was defining the target customers and product strategy to have the right angle for the rural market.

The Impact

Within two rounds of research, we helped the client develop a clear strategy of value proposition, product offering, customer experience, and product roadmap to enter the market confidently.

Our Approach

We need to understand our users better to define the go-to-market strategy. The explorations that have been done aren’t targeting only the store owners but also other stakeholders, like suppliers, logistics, and also the BUMDes (village apparatus). Based on those explorations we have gained a deeper understanding of the whole ecosystem. Our works aren’t limited to the initial discovery only. We also did service evaluation by visiting areas in Central Java with different types of local merchants. This evaluation helps us to uncover a holistic service journey that can be improved and implemented into e-commerce product transformation.

Stakeholders Mapping

Our Journey and Process

Exploratory Research

We conducted IDI and intercepts with different stakeholders and business scales in 20 locations from Jambi, North Sulawesi, and Central Java. They range from small, medium, and big resellers. This field research goal is to understand the full ecosystem’s needs and pain points.

Service Evaluation

In this phase, we focus on the service evaluation and identifying improvement areas. We did immersive research in four regions in central Java by interviewing the stakeholders, going to the store, doing home visits, field observations, and intercepts.

Intercept and in-depth-interview with respondents

The Results

Targeting the rural market would be challenging, especially if the products heavily rely on digital. Here are some of the insights that we’ve captured from our research:

  • Physical touchpoints and offline relationships are essential to bridge the interaction. The existing user journey has been developed for a long time and is primarily offline. Hence, the product can’t apply fully digital experience and touchpoints instantly.

  • Trust is built over time. Trust is earned. Familiar faces are needed, and past bad experiences set their trust. In this service journey, reliable agents, stock availability, and straightforward legal entities greatly influence customer trust.

  • The product should build simple and practical over users’ existing habits. Their day has always been packed with warung/ shop routines, and they are served by sales which come directly to the shops. They don’t have time or motivation to learn new things that add more complexities to their current habits.

Consultant in-charge

Ketut Sulistyawati

Project Lead

Bhagaskara Setiawan

User Researcher


Frans Mateus Situmorang

User Researcher

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